Recently I've discovered a new vitamin which contains Oligo. It's called Vitality for Women by the Melaleuca Wellness Company. One of the things that makes Melaleuca vitamins stand out is the fact they are 10 times more soluble than store brands. The earth gives us all the minerals the human body needs, however eating dirt is not really a workable option for most. Oligo does what fruits and vegetables do naturally and Oligo has 5 times the greater antioxidant protection than any other brand.The science behind these great vitamins discovered that minerals release free radicals into the body during digestion. Free radicals can actually cancel out antioxidants. Oligo keeps minerals soluble and available for absorption. Tests using live, intestinal cells demonstrates Oligo solubility through intestinal walls and not only just the intestinal track but Oligo offers major protection for the heart, lungs and liver from the damaging effects of free radicals in the body. You would have to take 33 Centrum or 15 One a Day to equal one Vitality pack from Melaleuca. The Vitality pack contains a multivitamin and mineral supplement that has 24 essential nutrients to deliver maximum mineral availability and antioxidant protection. A calcium supplement blended with magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin D to promote strong bones. A cellwise supplement to protect against free radicals which also promotes healthy skin using olive oil and grape seed extracts, lycopene, carotenoids and vitamind C. And last but not least, a supplement with two strains of probiotics to improve absorption and maintain digestive health.
For those Lipitor users with high cholesterol there is Phytomega. Using both Omega-3s and plant phytosterols, Phytomega can lower triglycerides by 26% and LDL cholesterol by up to 29%. Phytomega is nature's answer to high cholesterol.
And hey, if you love your dog, they got that covered too with ProCare dogs treats powered by Oligo for joint protection and healthy coat.
If you are interested in receiving information about Melaleuca products please contact me at either or just email me at I would be happy to answer any questions. I hope this blog was helpful.