Monday, September 6, 2010

Morning Walk

I wake up at around 9:00 am....... stretch and yawn and slide out of bed. I say slide because that is exactly what I do. I have a huge king size bed that hits me above my waist and since I am a shorty anyway, I practically look like a 4 year old climbing into my bed every night........ And every morning slide off the side and land on my feet to start the day.

I step out on the porch to test the morning air and temperature. Absolutely perfect weather for a stroll through the neighborhood. Not too hot.....not too cool.... just right and off I go. Most everyone has decided to sleep in I suppose. Some houses are very quiet. No one seems to be stirring quite yet except for old Mr. Nantz 4 doors down. He's out shuffling around in his garage with it's doors open wide, tinkering on some new project I'm sure. He notices me and throws a hand up. "Good morning!" he says. I smile and reply, "Good morning to you!" and walk on. Now Mr. Nantz used to own the local pool supply store here in town and put in my first pool about 17 years ago. Him and his wife moved here this summer from a gorgeous two story house in Rowland. I guess the house had gotten too big for them to handle so they found a perfect little single story on my street to meet their needs. I discovered this one day, out walking, when I saw him outside building a little picket fence around his back yard. "Mr. Nantz, is that you?" I asked. And although he is a spry as a spring chicken, I think Mr. Nantz is up into his seventies, he still remembers me and where I live 17 years ago. "Hey, Vanessa!" "How are you?" he says. "Wow, you remember Mr. Nantz?" I ask. "Well, of course I do." "I put that pool in for you a few years back out there in Maywood." he reply's as I stand there stunned as to why I can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday but here this little old man remembers the day we met almost 20 years before. He hasn't changed much. Still looks the same after all these years just a little more white headed than before. I remember this memory as I move on down the street.

Around the corner the windows are open at Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw's and I can hear pots and pans banging and cabinet doors closing as she prepares breakfast this morning. I can also here Mr. Bradshaw complaining in the background about Mrs. B leaving the stove on last time and nearly burning the house down. I smile as I pass by secretly listening in on the conversation. I approach the corner....I can go left or right and still make it back to my house. I decide to take the long route this morning. It's quite a bit hilly but I can use the exercise I tell myself. To the right I go.....

I soon come upon a couple out walking and a mother and daughter with a little dog. So, I'm not the only one out of bed enjoying this day. We all wave as we pass each other and comment on the weather. Everyone is friendly and smiling. I don't know everyone in my neighborhood but I do know a few of the family's that dwell here. Like the Johnsons and the Kidds and the Harris's and then there is Mrs. Belcher and Mrs. Davis. No matter how many walks I take through the neighborhood, I always notice something different, whether it be an old oak tree or some new flowers or maybe just a little fountain in someones yard that I probably passed a hundred times. Everyone's grass has turned brown and the leaves are starting to turn their fall colors. Winter will soon follow.

Now I'm starting my climb up Edgewood and it seems its up hill all the way. I just stare at my feet and analyze the cracks in the road. I ponder on how long the cracks have been there and I look at the pebbles that have been moved up and down the street by someones tires. Wow, there's a 75 cent sticker stuck to the pavement from a previous yard sale. A tiger stripped cat is sitting in the road just up ahead looking at me lazily. It just yawns as I walk by. Almost to the top now...... legs burning, heart pumping, breathing harder. I make it to the end of the street and take a right on Hilltopper Drive. I can see my house....home sweet home. Yay! I start to catch my breath as I approach my driveway. I stumble up the steps of the porch with heavy feet and satisfaction. I fall into my wicker rocker and just close my eyes. I can hear a buzzing above my head as I open my eyes to a hummingbird sitting on the side of the feeder I recently hung. I make my own sugar water for the feeder and I assume he approves. He hovers for a few and flys off happily.

Ok, time for coffee........Happy Labor Day everyone!!!

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